Monday, January 21, 2008

Robowriter's Update

Sound the trumpets!

Robowriters returns!

At a new space!

With a new day and time!

Saturdays at 1pm starting February 2nd (Ground Hog's Day!) !

At Gorilla Tango!

Alright, enough with the exclamation points. You get it. I'm excited. I've been going through Robowriters withdrawals over the last month. We're tickled all sorts of different colors to be working with Gorilla Tango. A few Robowriters have produced or been associated with shows there. David Devries' Eat Mud is currently running there on the weekends, Fridays and Saturdays at 10pm. Robot vs Dinosaur will be producing our new show there in the spring. A very sincere WHOOP-DEE-DOO is in order.

Gorilla Tango is located at 1919 N. Milwaukee Ave., just a few doors southeast of the Western and Milwaukee intersection, near the Western Blue Line Stop.


On Friday, I asked...

"The Swiss Meat Association is worried there may be a shortage of what?"

42% said "Italian tripe"
- They have another name for it there - politics.

28% said "Lithuanian pig snouts"
- Nope. Plenty there. Have a second helping.

No one went for the "Canadian turducken"

28% got it right with "Brazilian cow intestines"

According to Business Week, a sausage that has become a part of the Swiss national identity could soon become extinct, and the European Union is to blame. Despite the fact that Brazil has never recorded a single case of mad cow disease, the European Union banned imports of Brazilian beef intestines over concerns about Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis (BSE) on April 1, 2006. Switzerland isn't an EU member state, but it does observe food directives from Brussels to ensure it can continue to trade freely with its neighbors. "Darm-Alarm" is the call being heard across the land ("Darm" is German for bowels), wrote the Swiss newspaper 20 Minuten. One editorialist wrote, "Switzerland has surrendered itself in the case of our national sausage to technocrats in Brussels, of all people." Oh, shut up and drink your hot chocolate. The reduction of sausage from the Swiss diet will make everyone's cleaner colon there yodel.

Here's little Hans chowing down on the national sausage shaped, coincidentally, the same way it looks coming out.


Old Ned said...

Wonderful news! About Robowriters, I mean -- not about the Swiss sausages!

Brett and Anthony said...

Man. I don't know if i'm gonna be able to make it very much anymore :(