Thursday, June 4, 2009

Week 20, Day 137 - "How To Write A Comedy Sketch"

Today's entry is a video.


ethanol said...

Hey it was cool to see you for real.
Houdini is awesome. But Deckard was complitely nude in "apocalypse now" ;-)


Joe Janes said...

Good thing for all that I didn't remember him being that way.

Chris Othic said...

First of all, a little naked Joe Janes in the morning can be a little startling. Maybe a warning or something!

I liked your set up, but I thought this little vid went off the rails when you stopped focusing on "writing" and it became more about how hot it was. It was great watching you procrastinate even though you were "improvising in your mind." (Great line, by the way.)

Okay, I enjoyed the semi-nudity.

Jeannie said...

Have to say I think your cat has talent!

I don't go for the ice cream I go for peeling the asparagus and I watched the whole video instead of packing for my trip. Speaking of which I had better go do..............


ethanol said...

Ooops, it was "Willard" and not "Deckard". (Deckard was the name of the character play by H.Ford in "Blade Runner")

Anne Scarlett said...

Super put the rest of our 'class' to shame! Thanks for the laugh :)