(Inspired by Cassandra Soliday)
Written by Joe Janes
Six-to-Eight People
(Lights up on a group of people in a tight circle on the floor. They are laughing and having a good time. Some people are drinking. A few may be standing or crouching. We hear what seems to be a bottle spinning on the floor. The bottle stops and the group starts tauntinglingly pointing and ooh-ing and aw-ing at a girl in the circle, upstage. The girl rolls her eyes and grabs the “bottle,” revealing it to be a gun she picks up and holds to her head. Everyone goes silent. She pulls the trigger and we hear a “click” sound. There is a slight pause. Everyone cheers as the girl puts the gun back on the floor and spins it again. Lights fade)
A long barrel .357 magnum might just sound like a bottle when it's spinning.
Maybe I'm just being dumb, but, um, what happened to Saturday's entry?
This is Saturday's entry. I posted after midnight.
Congrats on making it through your first week. It was nice and darkly humorous. Keep up the good work!
I heard a song on the radio today that would be a good background. No name, but the lyrics went "...Russian roulette is no fund without bullets.."
Coincidence that I waited til today to read this?
That's fuckin' awesome.
Thanks, "Throb."
JOE! This is so morbid!
It's more like how I wish it had been the one and only time I played spin the bottle in junior high.
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