Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Just So You Know...

It's been seven months since you broke off the engagement.
Six months since you broke off the relationship.
Five months since you moved out without leaving a forwarding address.
You didn't respond to my e-mail, so...

Just so you know...

- I'm doing fine. You seemed to think me incapable of surviving on my own even though I've been doing just that most my whole adult life. I have my own one bedroom apartment. It's nice. How's your studio?

- Things I may never forgive you for: lying to yourself and me about things you didn't like about me/us early on in our relationship, making me move three times in three years, putting me in the position of selling an engagement ring, taking the garlic press.

- I hope you miss me on those mornings you oversleep, when your car needs warming up, when you come home from work and are too tired to cook, and when you watch Doctor Who.

- I would like to think Pushing Daisies was canceled because you broke up with me. Pushing Daisies doesn't like you anymore.

- You were jealous. Getting attention and traveling are a natural by-product of what I do and it ate you up inside.

- I like the music you added to my iTunes.

- You hated my friends. They were always "my" friends. You never wanted "our" friends.

- You're right, I hate cleaning. If I have a choice between cleaning the floors and chilling out, chilling out wins. I bought a mop when I moved in and haven't used it yet.

- The cats seem happier without you around.

- I hope you find the man you are looking for. The one who works only nine-to-five and makes a ton of money on a weekly basis and keeps all his evenings and weekends free to be with you. He either doesn't exist or is really boring.

- In my mind, the straw that broke the camel's back for you was when I wouldn't allow you to keep live crabs in a bag in the pantry. I still find the thought horrifying and it would have driven the cats crazy anyway.

- Things you didn't like about me that you knew going in: my schedule is sporadic, my income fluctuates, I'm in theater.

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