Saturday, November 7, 2009

Week 42, Day 293 - "Lake Rood"

“Lake Rood”

Written by Joe Janes


293 of 365


Theodore, 50s

Jeff, 30s

Pooper, ??

(Lights up on Theodore, a homeless man, rummaging through alley dumpsters looking for food. He comes across a framed painting.)


Lovely day for shopping at the local market. Hello, Mabel, how are you? How’s Vern? How are the kids? Why, no, I did not hear about Peter? Really? What a rascal! Well, she’s better off, let me tell you…Hello? What’s this? Somebody painted this. Somebody painted this, stuck it in a frame and someone threw it out in the trash. Looks like a train. Or a mill.

(Jeff walks by with his dog.)


Hey, mister. Got any change?


No, Theodore. Not tonight. Just out walking my dog.


Yeah, yeah. Jeff, right? And his wonder mutt. Hey, you like art? You look like an art man to me. Or maybe your wife. Or your dog.


What did you find there?


A painting. Look. I think it’s a train. Or a mill.


Or a serene lake in autumn as if you were looking from the front porch of your father’s cabin where he died.


I suppose we all see what we want to see. That’s the point of art, right? Give it to you for ten bucks. You want to buy it?


No. I want to strangle my wife.


That’s twenty. Cash only.


I painted this. This is where I used to go as a kid with my dad. Lake Rood. R-o-o-d.


I know how to spell. Well, Jeff, I can see it has sentimental value. You can talk me down on the price.


I don’t understand why Lacey threw it out. She knew it meant something to me. She never said anything bad about it, ever. It’s been on the wall above our sofa for years. Years. Longer than we’ve owned…him. (indicates the dog)


Guess that’s why I never got married. That and I’ve been told I have an aroma women find unattractive. Not a good one. Sort of like baby powder and vomit.


I’ve never done anything bad to anything she owns.


Want me to see what I can get for it and give you a cut?


This is her dog, too. I walk him every night. I do. Rain or no rain. She named him Pooper. Such a horrible name. I’m embarrassed to call him.


Pooper. That’s bad. It’s one thing if you gain a name like that as a nickname, but to intentionally be named that. Hey, Fuck Box! (Jeff looks at him.) That’s the last name someone called me. I deserved it for reasons I wish not to go into. I’m glad it didn’t stick.


Oh, and look. It has a scratch in it. And some grape jelly.

(Theodore looks at the painting and licks off the jelly.)


You should get back at her.


You’re right. I should. Here.

(He hands Theodore Pooper’s leash.)


Whoa, man. A dog? What am I going to do with a dog? I can’t even feed myself.


Eat it. I don’t care. It’s not my dog. But I want my painting. My house, my painting. It goes where I say it goes. I’ll tell Lacey I traded the dog to get my painting back. That will serve her right.

(Theodore hands him the painting.)


Okay. I can probably get more money for, uh, man, I have to give him another name.


Do that. He’ll be thankful.

(Jeff exits with the painting. Theodore sits Pooper down.)


Sit…Petey…Butch…Yeller…Fuck Box… (This last name excites Pooper.) Oh, you like that name. Okay, then, from this day forward you shall be known as Fuck Box. Let’s see if we can find us both some food, because if we don’t, that hind leg of yours is looking delish. That’s right, delish. I’m fancy.

(They walk off together as lights fade.)

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