Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I Believe..

...that I have reached a time when my television has become one of the least important features of my living room. For getting my news and entertainment jones, it is being taken over by my Macbook Pro and my Nano. If you had told me this as a kid, I would have envisioned watching the news on my wristwatch TV while flying to work a jet pack on my back.

...that those who pointed up how Obama fired McChrystal because the general didn't agree with him missed the point and have forgotten the trail of unemployed "voices of reason" Bush left in his wake because those folks didn't tell him what he wanted to hear.

...that sleep rocks. I sleep well and have great dreams. Sometimes I only sleep 5-6 hours, sometimes I sleep eight. I never have what I would qualify as insomnia. If I can't sleep, I use the bonus time. I stay up and do something productive, like writing or the dishes or watching porn on my wristwatch TV.

...that it has been a very wet June with some amazing thunderstorms. But I'll take two days of thunderstorms for every one day of clear skies and temperatures in the 70s. Love it.

...that I find the economic downturns happening around the world fascinating, because when it comes down to it, the only people who say what value money has is us. Consider the tulip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

something to think about JOE! im smiling all over this thing.