Written by Joe Janes
194 of 365
Ross, 20s
Annie, 20s
(Lights up on Annie sitting on the sofa and looking very sad. Ross enters carrying a bag from Burger King and sits nearby.)
(He continues eating. Annie begins making very loud gasping, wheezing, hitching crying sounds.)
(He puts the burger down and puts his arm around Annie who continues to cry loudly.)
(Annie tries to cry more. It’s a bizarre mix of gasps and wheeze and pained expressions. Ross is fascinated by this. He hands her a napkin and she blows her know with much generosity. Ross turns his face away to hide his laughter.)
(She now adds a slight wailing to her crying. Ross purses his lips and tries to look concerned.)
(He doubles over against the back of a chair, still trying to hide his laughter caused by Annie’s hysterics.)
(She starts bucking and crying, again. Ross is trying to remain stiff, but we can see on his face he’s about to burst.)
(That does it. Ross bursts out laughing. He cannot stop. He doubles over on the floor and cannot stop. He stops and looks at Annie’s contorted, sad, puzzled face and it makes him laugh more. He finally runs out of steam.)
(He laughs some more and she exits. He continues laughing, grabs some napkins to wipe his eyes. She re-enters carrying her purse and keys. She kicks him in the anus and leaves. After she is gone, he sits still for a moment and starts crying much in the same manner as she did punctuated with the occasional giggle, but he is definitely sad about this. Lights fade.)