Thursday, November 12, 2009

Week 43, Day 298 - "Staying Up Late"

“Staying Up Late”

Written by Joe Janes


298 of 365


Keith, 30s

Larry, 30s

(Lights up on Keith sitting at the far end of his living room sofa watching TV late at night. It is something that might be on The Food Network. He keeps nodding off. Larry wanders in having wakened from the noise of the TV.)



(Larry picks up the remote and turns off the TV.)


Hey, I was watching that.


It’s late. I’m trying to sleep.


Too bad, Larry.


I have to work in the morning and so do you.


Actually, I don’t have to work in the morning so I am staying up late. Your normal Thursday night is like my bonus extra wild Friday night. I found out this afternoon. Some guy in accounting died or something. I just started a month ago. I didn’t even know him. But we all get tomorrow off. I feel bad for him, but look at this silver lining. I don’t have to be in bed by 10pm to get up and get to work on time. So, I’m taking advantage of it. After you hit the sack, I drank a beer. I ate a bag of potato chips. A whole bag. I’ve been watching stuff I don’t get to watch during prime time. I am celebrating my freedom.


By falling asleep with the television on.


I was just resting my eyes.


What were you watching?


Something with boobs in it.

(Larry turns the TV back on. We clearly hear Alton Brown talking excitedly about some spice, like cinnamon. Larry turns it back off.)


Go to bed.

(Larry exits. Keith turns the TV back on. He turns the channel a few times until we hear something that sounds like porn music. He smiles and tries to watch, but dozes off. Lights fade.)

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